Saturday, November 18, 2017

So you improve your sleep quality

Whether professional or private - negative stress is considered one of the sleep killers ever. Relaxation would be just the thing, but often easier said than done. Those who practice and practice relaxation regularly have better opportunities to not get into the stress spiral at all or to be able to relax and recover in stressful times. Relaxation techniques are very helpful methods! Important: Stay tuned and regularly work out your relaxation!

Under-day activity can promote sleep . Find your type of movement that brings you more balance. For some, going for a walk regularly will be perfect, and for others, a sport like running or swimming is better.

Some people probably do not like to hear that. But: those who suffer from sleep disorders should avoid alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes at least some time before going to bed. Alcohol may even make you fall asleep more easily at first, but the quality of sleep is much worse and the propensity to wake up is increased. With caffeine the rule applies: after 16 o'clock rather do without it. Cigarette smoking just before going to bed affects REM sleep and deep sleep, and the wake periods increase.

Everyone has their ritual as he goes to bed. Design this time so that you do not stir things up, do not work anymore, do not talk or even quarrel in bed. During the day is the time to be active, while in the evening time stands for rest and relaxation.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Bye Avocado, Hello Nergi! Here comes the new superfruit!

A new berry makes a career as a superfood: a Nergi is easy to eat, tastes pleasant and has all the nutrients we need.

Avocado, kiwi or pineapple want to be conquered. If you want healthy and tasty pulp, you have to peel or spoon out these superfruits first. Pretty awkward! But now makes a about three centimeters large berry with a green smooth skin, especially the kiwi competition: Nergi is called the kiwi berry, which appears more often in the fruit departments of supermarkets and the shape is more reminiscent of a large grape. The fruit importers like to praise them as a new power snack for on the way, because Nergis can be eaten just like all berries.

Like so many miracle fruits, the Nergi comes from East Asia. In Japan, Korea and China, the fruits of this climber have been known for centuries. Nergis are closely related to the kiwi and also trade as honey or kiwi berries. The skin of Nergi has the same velvety texture as a fresh fig. The soft pulp has many small seeds like a kiwi, which you can eat without problems.

One reason why superfruit has only been on the market in Europe for a few years was its low durability. Only more robust varieties had to be bred, which survived longer transports and storage times. Nergi are now grown in countries such as France, Portugal, Italy and the Netherlands.

Nergis are true little power packs full of nutrients. Like kiwis, they have a particularly high vitamin C content and fiber content. There are also important minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. That makes them ideal energy sources and the perfect anti-aging food. In addition, 100 grams of Nergi have only 52 calories. All who pay attention to their slim line, therefore resort to the new wonder berry without guilty conscience.

To start the day: 5 tricks, as you take off at breakfast

If you have breakfast in the morning within the first 60 minutes after waking up, your metabolism will be in full swing and the fat burning ...