Sunday, October 29, 2017

New pumpkin recipes for the autumn

All the pumpkins, of which there are hundreds of species in all possible sizes, belong to the genus Curcurbitaand are therefore edible; the courgettes are also included. Some weigh up to 100 kg, but these monsters are less suitable for the pot than for the Guinness Book of Records. Pumpkins with an edible shell like the Pattison, also called Bischofsmütze, mainly belong to the kitchen of the late summer, while the species with a stronger shell like the butternut and the gourd pumpkin as well as the almost oversized varieties with their ribs of Rubenian luxuriance, the hard shell and the strong Meat are rather reserved for autumn. They can be baked on the whole, roasted in columns (whether peeled or not), boiled or steamed - gourds offer themselves to experiment, they forgive (almost) everything. Traditionally, they are served as soup, but they are just as well suited to serve with onions, Spices and chillies or mixed with olive oil and woody herbs in the oven. Baked columns can be supplemented with melted cheese, smaller steamed cucumber cubes can be mixed into a creamy risotto or with plenty of parmesan under pappardelle, larger cubes are still raw in wine-saturated stews, lemongrass-offset curries or cross-cured tajines. Moreover, they are delicious as fillings, but can also be filled with mixtures of all kinds at the same time. larger cubes are still raw in wine-saturated stews, lemongrass-offset curries, or cross-crammed tajines. Moreover, they are delicious as fillings, but can also be filled with mixtures of all kinds at the same time. larger cubes are still raw in wine-saturated stews, lemongrass-offset curries, or cross-crammed tajines. Moreover, they are delicious as fillings, but can also be filled with mixtures of all kinds at the same time.

Do not banish pumpkins to an existence on the overloaded Erntedank table or as Halloween jewelry, they are the culinary stars of the autumn! If you are planning a late-night party, perhaps even for Halloween, you can safely dispense with plates, forget the dishwashing and serve your food in pumpkins: all the vessels are edible. Even the kernels can be roasted and salted as a snack offer. The beauty of the pumpkins consists of more than just its bulging surface.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Quite simply: this helps in depressed mood

Most people have experienced a mood in their lives. Danger threatens if this becomes a permanent state from which the person concerned can no longer free himself. In this case one speaks of depression

Who is the training for?
The good news: Not only healthy people, even those who are already affected and suffer from a depressive mood, winter blues or a depression, can counteract with moderate perseverance training.

Why is jogging suitable?
Jogging is so appropriate, because the person concerned is also in the daylight. "There is a nerve path that transmits light from the eye directly into the brain," says the doctor and psychotherapist. Thus, hormones are released, which help to expel the negative thoughts. If you can not go jogging for health reasons, the best way to get on your bike, "advises Weber.

Other advantages of endurance sports
However, endurance sport can not only be a measure to prevent depression. The heart also needs loads such as jogging, cycling or swimming to stay strong. Because regular, physical exercise not only lowers the blood fat and blood glucose values, but also expands the vessels and thus strengthens the heart.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Melinda Gates is on a mission to boost women in tech fields

Melinda Gates has some advice for tech workers flooding into Seattle for jobs at Amazon and other cutting-edge companies: Do your part to make the field more diverse.“Look around you, look in your group and ask yourself: How many women are on your team?” the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said in a recent interview with The Seattle Times. “If it’s less than two, that’s probably too few.”

Since unveiling the initiative last fall, Gates said she’s started zeroing in on areas where she hopes to make a difference. Those include changes to introductory computer- science courses so they’re more welcoming and interesting to women.

In Seattle’s booming tech economy, Gates urged managers to be aware that women often prefer to work in groups that include other women. “Ask yourself: How do you promote women and sponsor women in these jobs?” she said. “And are you sure women are being paid as much as men?”Also, women often need more encouragement than men to put themselves forward for promotion, she pointed out.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Easy ways to avoid weight gain and keep up your wellness habits in winter

There are a number of reasons why we tend to put on weight during winter. We stay in a lot more and don't invest in as active a lifestyle as we do when it's warm and pleasant outside.

Exercise regularly
It doesn’t matter what form of exercise or movement you choose just make sure you are doing something on a daily basis this winter. The key to improving your fitness and health and maintaining a healthy weight is consistency, so once you start do not break the chain.

Make smart meal choices
You can still enjoy the same meals with a few tweaks that don't compromise with the taste or culinary experience. Remember, healthy food doesn’t have to be boring, and you don’t have to give up your social life to eat well!

Protein with every meal

Protein helps to encourage fat loss and develop lean muscle mass, and provides amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle, plus is essential for liver function, thyroid and mood, and helps to keep your metabolism going! Whey protein is a popular choice of protein and makes for an easy post-workout drink, taking just 30 minutes to reach your muscles after ingestion.

To start the day: 5 tricks, as you take off at breakfast

If you have breakfast in the morning within the first 60 minutes after waking up, your metabolism will be in full swing and the fat burning ...