Saturday, February 24, 2018

To start the day: 5 tricks, as you take off at breakfast

If you have breakfast in the morning within the first 60 minutes after waking up, your metabolism will be in full swing and the fat burning level will be much higher throughout the day.

Always try to include Greek yogurt or eggs. Studies have shown that women who eat two eggs each day in the morning, lose twice as fast as women who do not eat eggs. The reason: the animal protein (is also included in Greek yogurt) makes you full faster.

Those who jog in the morning with an empty stomach burn 20 percent more calories. And: Those who drink a cup of black coffee before the sport boosts fat burning by a further 15 percent.

If possible, just sleep in the dolls. So you miss the breakfast, just get in for lunch and have saved a meal.

Not everyone's taste, but a banana in  the morning expels - in the truest sense of the word - sorrow and worry. The yellow fruit is full of dopamine (happiness hormone) and it also lasts for a long time. With the banana, you kill two birds with one stone.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Constitutional leanness: when to grow is a challenge

While some declare war on the extra pounds, others are racing for extra pounds. Despite the spread, fast foods and high-calorie dishes, they can not take a gram. Raphael Gruman, nutritionist, explains everything about constitutional wasting.

They dream of growing up. They can eat calories and nibble all day, their body decided not to gain weight. And this can become a real frustration, but also a real suffering. Alexandra is 21 years old and measures 1.78 meters for 52 kilos. The young woman, less complexed today by its silhouette, explains that it was not always easy to assume.

Unlike other behavioral disorders where a person is fed too much or not enough, constitutional wasting is a physiological problem, not a psychological one. "Some people thought I was sick. I had a lot of remarks about my physique.

In the human body, the layers of fat help protect us from cold and shocks. "In the buttocks, we all have a small greasy panniculus, which helps cushion the shock when we sit.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

What if I lose my hair? these steps to prevent that

It is perfectly normal to lose one's hair in the fall. Our hair follicles govern at the change of time. Still, there are a multitude of causes - hormonal fluctuation (maternity, menopause), stress, fatigue, lack of diet ... - which may explain why our hair ends, more than reason, in brushes. But simple seasonal whim or more serious problem, strategies to regain its hair capital are not lacking.

Not in a cup, but in lotion or shampoo. According to the International Journal of Dermatology, it blocks the hormone, dihydrotesterone, responsible for hair loss. With a beneficial effect in women! What else? Leave on for at least 2 minutes to reach the hair bulb.

Japanese researchers have tested more than 1,000 plant extracts to discover which was the best fall protection and regrowth booster. Result: the polyphenols present in the apple (procyanidins B2) won the palm.

It plays an important role in cell renewal, growth and healthy hair. Biochemists from the Faculty of Pitié-Salpêtrière have confirmed its interest in stopping the fall and showed that it is even more effective when it is associated with vitamin B6.

They activate the circulation, strengthen the capillary stem and their regrowth has been proven by a Scottish study. The tested cocktail: HE of thyme (2 drops), lavender (3 drops), rosemary (3 drops) and cedar (2 drops) mixed in vegetable oil of Jojoba (3 ml) and grape seeds (20 ml ).

To start the day: 5 tricks, as you take off at breakfast

If you have breakfast in the morning within the first 60 minutes after waking up, your metabolism will be in full swing and the fat burning ...